Tips for Busy Parents

8 Spring Productivity Hacks for Parents

As parents we all know that cleaning and organising is a practice and not a project. So here are eight spring-cleaning hacks to help you on the way



  1. Keep your washing machine clean. Just add vinegar and do a hot wash (without any laundry in obviously!)


  1. Wait for a nice day and put the duvet out for 24 hours – this has your bedrooms smelling lovely in no time.


  1. Not enough hours in the day? Be focused and, set your phone for a 15 minute time-slot to clean certain areas of your home. If you’re feeling brave you can get the kids involved too (how many toys can you pick up in 15 mins…)


  1. Got bath toys? Superglue the hole on the base. They will still float and there’ll be no scummy water build up in them.


  1. Give each kid a basket that you put on the stairs. Whenever you find something of theirs you put it in their basket. Couple of times a week it’s their job to put it all away.


  1. Clutter? Who likes clutter? Do you see things that haven’t been used for months or look like they don’t belong in a space? Then don’t wait, box them up and put them into storage. Companies like LOVESPACE pick up from your door and deliver back when needed. You can book it all online in a few clicks – job done with little effort.


  1. Microwaves They’re super practical when you’ve got kids, but get dirty quickly. Lemon and vinegar is the trick. A bowl, some water, a squeeze of a lemon and a few tablespoons of vinegar. Mix and microwave for 5 minutes on high, take out the bowl then wipe clean. All done.


  1. Remember… Many health benefits can be gotten from cleaning your home and your body will thank you as well. A win-win. You burn calories, tone your muscles – eg. vacuuming gives arms, legs and core (if you hold it in) a great workout!


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